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Spring Selection

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Spring Selection

Compression springs are used with push pins and shoulder screws to generate appropriate attachment forces.
The following are criteria that engineers need to consider during the spring selection process.

Maximum Allowable load

Device manufacturers will often provide a maximum allowable force/pressure specification for the package. The spring attachment load must not exceed this specification.

Pressure on the Thermal Interface Material (TIM)

The thermal impedance of phase change materials (PCMs) and gap fillers is dependent on the mounting pressure. Higher pressure equals lower impedance and better thermal performance. If the pressure falls below the published minimum for a TIM, the performance will be poor. If the mounting force/pressure cannot be increased, the use of thermal grease which is far less sensitive to pressure, should be considered.

Spring Compression Length

A spring's compression rate will typically remain consistent when the spring is compressed to 30% to 70% of its maximum deflection. When compressed to less than 30%, the spring rate will be lower than specified. If compressed beyond 70%, the spring can take a set, significantly affecting the published spring rate and resulting force.

Related link

Alpha's standard springs

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