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Pushpin Attached Active Heat Sinks

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Pushpin Attached Active Heat Sinks (with attachment tab)
  • Pushpin and spring combinations can be chosen to suit each particular PCB thickness and chip size.
Proven Design

Pushpins are a popular mechanical attachment, offering flexibility & reliability at reasonable cost.

pushpin spring photo 1
Flexible Design

Hole location and attachment forces can be customized for each specific application.

pushpin spring photo 2
Simple & Easy

Captive pushpins and springs allow for a simple installation. Easy!

pushpin spring photo 2

Pushpin attachment has passed all shock and vibration testing.

Attachment Force

Appropriate attachment force/pressure can be consistently generated through pushpin/spring selection.

High Performance

High performance interface materials including phase change and thermal grease can be used instead of tape or epoxy.

Reference: About Pushpin with Spring Attachment

FSR Series
  • Omnidirectional square pin fin heat sinks.
  • Heat Sink and fan can be shipped as an assembly.
FSR Series Heat SinkModelBase Size (mm)Height (mm)Hole Pitch (mm)Drawing
FSR3030 x 308, 10, 12, 15,
20, 25
35 x 35DXF (Heatsink only)
DXF (Fan Assy)
FSR4040 x 4045 x 45DXF (Heatsink only)
DXF (M42 Fan Assy)
DXF (M45 Fan Assy)
DXF (M47 Fan Assy)
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