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Pushpin Attached Heat Sinks

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Pushpin Attached Heat Sinks (no tabs, with C-bore)
  • Pushpin and spring combinations can be chosen to suit each particular PCB thickness and chip size.
LCBM / LCBH Series
  • For low air flow or natural convection
LCBM Series Heat SinkModelBase Size
Hole Pitch
LCBM4040 x 407, 1033 x 33DXF
LCBM4545 x 4538 x 38DXF
LCBM5050 x 5043 x 43DXF
LCBM5454 x 5447 x 47DXF
LCBM6060 x 6053 x 53DXF

LCBH Series Heat SinkModelBase Size
Hole Pitch
LCBH4040 x 407, 1033 x 33DXF
LCBH4545 x 4538 x 38DXF
LCBH5050 x 5043 x 43DXF
LCBH5454 x 5447 x 47DXF
LCBH6060 x 6053 x 53DXF
UCBM / UCBH Series
  • 0.55mm elliptical fins. For forced convection high performance heat sink
UCBM Series Heat SinkModelBase Size
Hole Pitch
UCBM4040 x 407, 1033 x 33DXF
UCBM4545 x 4538 x 38DXF
UCBM5050 x 5043 x 43DXF
UCBM5454 x 5447 x 47DXF
UCBM6060 x 6053 x 53DXF

LCBH Series Heat SinkModelBase Size
Hole Pitch
UCBH4040 x 407, 1033 x 33DXF
UCBH4545 x 4538 x 38DXF
UCBH5050 x 5043 x 43DXF
UCBH5454 x 5447 x 47DXF
UCBH6060 x 6053 x 53DXF
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