Technical Information

Measurement & Calculations

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Measurement Apparatus and Method

The thermal performance for forced convection are measured as shown Figure 1, 2.

Figure 1: The Overall Experimental Setup

Figure 2: Duct Dimensions, Experimental Setup

  • Airflow test chamber .The chamber, manufactured by Airflow Measurement Systems, is designed in accordance with AMCA 210-85 standards.
  • Please see each test condition for Heater Size
  • A 1.4mm hole at the center of the test heat sink is made, and a thermocouple is inserted to the heater. A small amount of thermal grease is applied evenly between heater and heat sink base. Typically, data measurements are taken multiple times.


  • Patel, C., Belady C., "Modeling and Metrology in High Performance Heat Sink Design", Porceedings of the 47th Electronic Components and Technology Conference, IEEE, P.296, San Jose, California, 1997.
  • AMCA 210-85
Measurement Apparatus & Condition for Active Heat Sink(Fan Heat Sink)

The thermal performance for active heat sink are measured as shown Figure 3,4.

  • Please see each test condition for Heater Size
  • A 1.4mm hole at the center of the test heat sink is made, and a thermocouple is inserted to the heater. A small amount of thermal grease is applied evenly between heater and heat sink base. Typically, data measurements are taken multiple times.

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Measurement Apparatus & Condition for Natural Convection(Zero air flow)

The thermal performance for natural convection are measured as shown Figure 5.

  • Please see each test condition for Heater Size
  • A 1.4mm hole at the center of the test heat sink is made, and a thermocouple is inserted to the heater. A small amount of thermal grease is applied evenly between heater and heat sink base. Typically, data measurements are taken multiple times.

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