Technical Information

Adhesive tape comparison Data

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Adhesive Tape Comparison Data

There are several thermally conductive tape vendors, each offering multiple tape versions. Although each vendor publishes its own product test data, the results are highly dependent on the test methods employed, and the test environment. Test conditions can be quite different from real world operating conditions, making it difficult to accuratey compare tapes. In light of this, we tested the thermal performance of the tapes we offer in our catalog in our thermal lab. These results offer a good reference for comparison purposes.
We hope this information will help our customers to select the most appropriate tape for each application.

Test Environment


Our PRE9060 based heat sink and fan was used as our test vehicle. The heat sink had a pedestal machined from solid heat sink base material. This heat sink was used to generate a reference thermal resistance. The pedestal was then removed and replaced with a plate matching the original pedestal's size and thickness. Different tapes were placed between the plate and heat sink, and the thermal resistance was again measured. The performance difference between this data and the reference data represents the tape's thermal resistance/performance.

Test Result

This test data is based on our test environment, and is no guarantee of actual thermal performance.

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