Application Examples

Custom Quote

Your user ID or password is incorrect.
If you have forgotten your password, please click reset password.
Login to your account

Registered customer

Forgot password?

Create an account

Registered customers will have access to the following services.

  • View Web Order Status and History / Re-order
  • Request packing list and invoices

Please enter your login ID(Email address), and click "Request" button.

You will receive an email that is an instruction of resetting your password.

The length of the current password is short.
Please click here and update your password.
The current password is invalid.
If you forgot your passward, please click here and update your password.
Due to system changes and for the sake of personal information protection,
we kindly request you to change your password.
Please use the link below to proceed with the password reset.
Password Reset Link

Price and LT

If you want to know the price and availability of the parts you picked, please send us an email or fax with your contact information. We will send you the price and lead-time.
If you want to change the design to suit your application, please mark it on the drawing. You can print out, and just hand-write the point you want to change, and fax it to +1-408-567-8082 or scan it and send it to
For example, your PCB thickness is 4mm thickness, please write so on the drawing and send it to us in any method.

Another example, if you want to change the hole locations, please write it down on the drawing where you want to change the location.

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